OML-IZ Search

Place values

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Calculate and enter the answers. You may use the TAB key to move to the next question. When you are done, click Submit.

  1. What's in the thousands place of 4501293?
  2. What's in the ones place of 3148652?
  3. What's in the tens place of 8526731?
  4. What's in the tens place of 6450238?
  5. What's in the hundreds place of 4583120?
  6. What's in the thousands place of 6943251?
  7. What's in the tens place of 8249730?
  8. What's in the hundreds place of 8059137?
  9. What's in the hundreds place of 519836?
  10. What's in the ones place of 284715?

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OML-IZ Search
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